
since until

Arduino without the GUI

The first attempt to start playing around with Arduino’s on my machine had involved installing the arduino :octocat: package from nixpkgs :octocat:.

After a few pathetic attempts to use the Arduino IDE with my current window manager (XMonad), I gave up on the GUI route. Basically the IDE seems to be okay, but menus exhibit really weird behavior requiring me to keep the mouse depressed while navigating towards the drop-down menu which appears way out of reach of the menu bar. Furthermore, the IDE doesn’t seem to play well with XMonad dictating which dimensions to assume.

To be honest, I wasn’t serious about using the IDE anyways. CLI tools are more user-friendly when it comes to automation anyways so fvck :fu: the UI.

So here is an account of several ways to build code for the Arduino boards covering

  • the easiest (least flexible) using the arduino tool which does it all,
  • the harder (more flexible) option which utilizes the arduino-build tool in combination with avrdude and someday…
  • the hardest option which I haven’t come around to document but involves custom Makefiles to build source, and link objects and subsequently upload the whole she-bang using the avrdude tool. :hourglass:


The easiest way to circumvent the painful IDE experience is by simply using the arduino CLI tool.

In NixOS, one can install the arduino toolset system-wide by adding the package arduino or arduino-core, conversely one may also define a custom nix-shell. The nix-shell options is pretty neat since one defines shell.nix and or default.nix inside the project directory within which one may specify all needed dependencies for that project. This makes it really easy for other Nix* users to get setup in no time.

# shell.nix
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:

let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
in pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix {}

The shell.nix file in this case, just defines a derrivation in which system defaults to the builtins.currentSystem and where the derivation defined in default.nix is loaded.

# default.nix
{ stdenv, pkgs }:

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "arduino-dev-${version}";
  src = ./.;
  version = "0.1.0";


  buildInputs = with pkgs; [

  shellHook = ''
    export PATH="$PATH:${pkgs.arduino-core}/share/arduino/"

The default.nix file basically sets up an environment containing the arduino package – essentially arduino-core with the GUI enabled as evident in the code :octocat:. In order to simplify things, we define an environment variable ARDUINO_PATH which points to the location where Arduino-related files may be found and add the path of the arduino binaries to the $PATH environment variable in the shellHook, allowing us to call commands such as arduino and arduino-builder :wink:.

Start the shell represented by the descriptions captures in shell.nix and default.nix by running nix-shell within the directory where these files are stored.

In order to figure out how to use the arduino CLI tool, consult the manpage or see the examples but basically, provided that we have a sketch named Blink.cpp, one may run

arduino --verify Blink.cpp

to build the sketch.

:exclamation: Normal users generally don't have unrestricted access to devices. In NixOS this rings true for the TTY devices. Just run `ls -la /dev/tty*` to observe for yourself. The `root` user is most likely owner of all of the listed devices, however; the serial TTY's seem to owned by the `dialout` group. By adding the `dialout` group to your user's `extraGroups` (see the [NixOS Manual][nixos-user-mgmt] for an example on configuring `extraGroups`) and logging back into your system, you will now have access to any resource that owned by the `dialout` group :wink:.

In order to compile and upload the sketch in one go, one may run

arduino \
  --board arduino:avr:leonardo \
  --port /dev/ttyACM0 \
  --upload Blink.cpp

in case the board in question is an Arduino Nano donning the ATMega168 AVR chipset and connected to port ttyACM0. In case you’re dealing with some other hardware, please explore the boards.txt file located in the $ARDUINO_PATH/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/avr directory and adjust the parameters accordingly.

:bulb: Determining the port could be as simple as observing the output of `ls -la /dev/tty*` or just watching the output of `dmesg -wH` or `journalctl -f` for USB-related messages while resetting or connecting the board :wink:. The extract of my dmesg buffer below indicates that there is a device connected as `ttyACM0` right after a new USB device has been detected that fits the description. ``` [ +8.258105] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, device number 34 [ +0.798493] usb 1-2: new full-speed USB device number 35 using xhci_hcd [ +0.171444] usb 1-2: New USB device found, idVendor=2341, idProduct=8036 [ +0.000003] usb 1-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ +0.000001] usb 1-2: Product: Arduino Leonardo [ +0.000002] usb 1-2: Manufacturer: Arduino LLC [ +0.001795] cdc_acm 1-2:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device ```

Usage of the --verbose-build and --verbose-upload arguments

arduino \
  --board arduino:avr:leonardo \
  --port /dev/ttyACM0 \
  --verbose-build \
  --verbose-upload \
  --upload Blink.cpp

could be helpful in case :poop: hits the fan in order to aid in sleuthing :mag:.

To conclude this section, observe how I change into a directory which contains the default.nix and shell.nix, spawn a nix-shell and shoot an application to an Arduino Leonardo :wink:.


:flushed: The process described in the previous section should be enough to get going. For whichever reason you decided to read on, things are about to get a bit more involved. For convenience’s sake, I assume that you have read through the section above.

The arduino tool uses the arduino-builder under the hood. Given the default.nix and shell.nix files presented above. We could run the arduino-builder by executing

arduino-builder \
  -build-path ${PWD}/out \
  -debug-level 10 \
  -fqbn arduino:avr:leonardo \
  -hardware ${ARDUINO_PATH}/share/arduino/hardware/ \
  -libraries ${ARDUINO_PATH}/share/arduino/libraries/ \
  -tools ${ARDUINO_PATH}/share/arduino/tools/ \
  -tools ${ARDUINO_PATH}/share/arduino/tools-builder/ \
  -tools ${ARDUINO_PATH}/share/arduino/hardware/tools/ \
  -verbose \
  -warnings all \

which is quite a handful but essentially compiles the Blink.cpp file, given the parameters specified, to produce a collection of build artifacts in the ${PWD}/out directory. The build artifcats directory is a step up from the arduino approach. If you like studying the machine code like these guys you’ll have something to study and play with when using arduino-builder :wink:.

:smirk: Of course you didn't have to run the command with the `-debug-level 10`, `-verbose` and `-warning all` arguments but in many cases it is convenient to have plenty of information available in case things fail.

After building one would still need to flash the Arduino. This could be done by using the avrdude :books: tool. Since this wasn’t installed before, we would have to modify the default.nix file by adding the avrdude package to the mix.

# default.nix
{ stdenv, pkgs }:

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "arduino-dev-${version}";
  src = ./.;
  version = "0.1.0";


  buildInputs = with pkgs; [

  shellHook = ''
    export PATH="$PATH:${pkgs.arduino-core}/share/arduino/"
A change to the nix files is only honored once we restart the shell, so do yourself a favor, exit the running nix-shell and start the nix-shell again after `avrdude` is added to the `buildInputs`.

At this stage, one may run

avrdude \
	-C${ARDUINO_PATH}/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf \
	-patmega32u4 \
	-cavr109 \
	-v -v -v -v \
	-P/dev/ttyACM0 \
	-b57600 \
	-D \

to upload the prior generated binary to the board.

:boom: In case you run into the

avrdude: ser_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding

errors please

  • verify that the specified port is actually the correct port as explained earlier,
  • verify that the specified board and/or the processor correspond to the board and processor plugged into the machine and
  • ensure that the board switches “bootloader mode”

which would generally lead to resolution.

:bulb: For the Leonardo board known as device `ttyACM0`, the [Arduino Leonardo documentation :book:][arduino-leonardo] mentions that one may set the board into bootloader mode by opening and closing a serial connection at 1200 baud. One may accomplish this in Linux by executing ```bash stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 ispeed 1200 ospeed 1200 ``` after which the led fades in and out to indicate that it is in bootloader mode and good to go. For other board types, one would have to figure out what the procedure is to get into bootmode. The Mega board, for instance doesn't require any sorcery to make things work. Simply using the correct port and calling avrdude with the appropriate arguments will result to a successful flash unless the board and processor are defective.

For demonstrative purposes you can have a glance at a Makefile which I wrote to simplify the build and flash process with arduino-builder for a something I was fooling around at home with :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. The make rules build, clean and flash should be sufficient for basic workflows.


I would have to write a custom Makefiles to call gcc while including the Wiring library and all other required libs, while perform all linking activities myself. I would also have to provide a main function that calls the setup and loop functions, unless the Wiring library has off-the-shelf method of handling this which I don’t remember. I did this a while ago in university, but have am too lazy to look into my archives (which I don’t have within reach at the moment anyways). So let’s just call this a work in progress. Hopefully some day I’ll get around to it. :rainbow: