
Estonia's e-Residency & NixOS

On my setup, the qesteidutil tool keeps throwing “empty certificates” errors dialogs whenever I click on certificates.

The qesteidutil tool without the footer when certificate info isn't available.

The utility’s dialog displays no summary of the certificate details in the footer which doesn’t correspond with the depictions of the tools that I stumbled accross on the internet. In that case don’t even bother. Do yourself a favor and install a new version of the qesteidutil tool. For NixOS, the available package happened to be outdated, so here’s what a recent qesteidutil is supposed to look like.

The qesteidutil tool with the footer providing valuable information about the certificates.

I’ve submitted a patch for NixOS that should be part of 17.03-small soon enough, if it gets accepted. If not, override the qesteidutil package in your custom setup or perform the changes in the qesteidutil: -> PR to quickly move past this issue.