
Housekeeping Disk in Linux


List the block devices


List all the known partitions

fdisk -l

Figure out sizes of directories, only recursing to a depth of 1 levels deep

du -d 1 -h /


One may create partition tables on a disk using fdisk as demonstrated in the screencast below.

An unencrypted partition is easily accessible by mounting the block device. Encrypted partitions, however; would need to be unlocked first which would subsequently yield a mapping which is mountable. Understanding this order of steps makes the entire ordeal much easier to reason about – encrypted volumes need to be unlocked prior to them even being mountable :thought_balloon:.

For a brief overview, the following list captures the step involved in the usage of a volume where :key: marks the steps required with encrypted volumes and :construction: marks the steps required only at the setup of a volume:

  • luksFormat: prep volume for encryption :key: :construction:
  • format volume to a filesystem :construction:
  • unlock/luksOpen :key:
  • mount
  • read/write
  • unmount
  • lock/luksClose :key:

The snippet below lists the output of lsblk /dev/sda which provides an some insights as to how an LUKS encrypted volume sda1 relates to its non-encrypted counterpart sda2.

sda                    8:0    0 476.9G  0 disk
├─sda1                 8:1    0   300G  0 part
│ └─luks-xyz
│                    254:4    0   300G  0 crypt /run/media/a
└─sda2                 8:2    0 176.9G  0 part  /run/media/b
Note that both volumes in the lsblk listing are mounted. In order to arrive at a scenario that is somewhat similar to the one presented in the listing above, I'll mention how to format unencrypted and encrypted volumes and mount these in the sections that follow :point_down:.

Basic (Unencrypted)

Formatting partition /dev/sda2 to the ext3 filesystem may be done as follows

sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda2

which is a command that you probably wouldn’t need on a day to day basis but is still fundamental enough to be worth remembering. :star:

Once a volume is formatted, it may be mounted by

sudo mount /dev/sda2/ /my/mountpoint

which will mount the disk to /my/mountpoint or

udisksctl mount -b /dev/sda2

which will mount the the block device designated by the flag -b and referred to as /dev/sda2 to a mountpoint set up by udisksctl and subsequently printed to the terminal after the mount is completed.

Unmount block device /dev/sda2 by running

sudo umount /dev/sda2

or by running

udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sda2

where -b indicates that the token that follows represents the reference to the block device we intend to unmount.

:bulb: Note how `udisksctl` works without `sudo`. If at all possible, I avoid using `sudo` as much as I can :wink:[^sudo].


One may setup encryption on partition /dev/sda1 by using the cryptsetup tool as follows

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda1

which will completely wipe the data off the partition, request a passphrase and subsequently prep the volume for use as – an encrypted volume. :raised_hands:

At this stage we have setup a partition to be used with LUKS encryption. There is no filesystem (ext3, btrfs, zfs, or whatever) setup on the volume yet so don’t get confused by the “format” in “luksFormat”, the drive isn’t really formatted for a specific filesystem yet.

In order to use our partition we need to unlock it by

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 some-alias

which will request a passphrase :key:, open the the volume and map it to the arbitrary name some-alias, or

udisksctl unlock -b /dev/sda1

which will request a passphrase and unlock the device, subsequently returning the path to which the volume was mapped (e.g.: /dev/dm-x).

Now that the volume is unlocked, one may treat the mapping as a conventional drive – fit for formatting, mounting, reading, writing and unmounting. :floppy_disk:

From this point on, one may use the mapping reference /dev/dm-x in a similar manner as we used the block device reference /dev/sda2 in the examples to format the unencrypted volume. So now you know how to format, mount and unmount the encrypted volume as well. :wink:

An unmounted disk is still exposed until it is locked again, so when done don’t forget to lock the device by either running

sudo cryptsetup luksClose some-alias

where the alias is provided that the volume was opened as, or

udisksctl lock -b /dev/sda1

which is hopefully self-explantory at this stage.

:bulb: Learning how to use `udisksctl` makes life slightly easier since you can use the same tool for unlocking, mount, unmounting and ejecting medium which basically covers your entire day-to-day disk usage workflow. Without `udisksctl` one would otherwise have to remember how to use `cryptsetup luksOpen`, `mount` , `umount` along with a method for safely unplugging the storage device and the worst part is that one would need to elevate itself to sudo privileges to run these commands whereas `udisksctl` just works without any special privileges :wink:. The biggest downside to udisksctl is that I haven't figured out how to explicitly provide custom mountpoints while invoking the command.

A great feature of udisksctl is that it makes it pretty easy to safely disconnect or eject a medium from a system. Running

udisksctl power-off -b /dev/sda

allows one to disconnect the entire device /dev/sda. Note that I didn’t use the path to a partition, but the path to the entire device. This is basically the eject switch to use with your removable media. :rocket::seat:


This section will cover some basic strategies for handling backups. None of these methods are very robust, but unless you find something better this could at least be a start-up strategy for you personal computing needs. :wink:

For storage on unencrypted medium

Create -c an archive of my home directory ~, using the bzip2 filter -j, and output this archive’s contents to stdout. Pipe this data through gpg to encrypt it with a symmetric cipher -c and redirect the ciphertext to a file in /tmp/mountpoint matching the pattern backup_*.tbz2.gpg where * represents the date at which the archive was created.

tar cjf - ~ | gpg --ciper-algo AES -c - > /tmp/mountpoint/backup_`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"`.tbz2.gpg
NOTE: In my case, this produces a tarball over 100G in size, which I would have to unpack in its entirety and decrypt in order to do anything useful with it. So, it's a rather sluggish way to handle backups. On the flipside, you have a single file that captures the entire state of your home directory which is pretty easy to handle.

Read the archive, pipe it through gpg which pipes the plaintext to stdout where we decompress -d the bzip2 -j archive all with the following command:

cat backup_DATE.tbz2.gpg | gpg - | tar djf -

For storage on encrypted medium

Archive -a sync a file with [rsync][wiki-rsync], which basically preserves everything except hardlinks, presents information in a human-readable format -h and provides a nifty progress report --progress and could be entered into the terminal as follows

rsync -ah --progress $SOURCE $DESTINATION

where $SOURCE represents the directory you want arhived, and $DESTINATION represents the mountpoint of the encrypted volume, or a directory within the encrypted volume.

Subsequent execution of the rsync command as presented above will basically update the backup at $DESTINATION, only when the files have different timestamps and sizes. This makes it an light solution for creating backups as we only fully read the files that have changed from the source and write them to the destination rather than writing the entire $SOURCE into $DESTINATION.

An even smoother approach is to make incremental backups by using the last back up as reference to link against using the rsync --link-dest argument. Basically, --link-dest allows one to create a directory tree hard-linking all unchanged files and copying all changed files. Since unchanged files are simply hardlinked they only occupy disk space once for every iteration or version. The following command

rsync -aPh --link-dest=$LAST_BACKUP $SRC $NEW_BACKUP

where $LAST_BACKUP represents the path of the last backup to link against, $NEW_BACKUP represents the path of the new backup to produce and $SRC (e.g. ~) represents the directory to backup should be enough to the backup job done. :trophy:


LUKS volumes can be configured to use 8 keys for unlocking the device, these keys can be provided as passphrases or as files. Besides the 8 keys, the volume will have a master key which could be used without the use of any of the 8 keys as the “master key” to unlock the volume.

Use luksDump to produce an overview of the state of the 8 keyslots.

sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda1

Without any of the 8 keys or the master key you are “out of LUKS” as Ramesh nicely put in his post 10 Linux cryptsetup Examples for LUK Key Management.

It’s probably a good practice to keep a dump of the master key somewhere locked in a :fire: fireproof safe in a nuclear shelter, just in case you forget your keyphrases. :lock_with_ink_pen:

sudo cryptsetup luksDump --dump-master-key /dev/sda1 > master.key

Modifying a key when one of the other keys is known

If a volume is unlocked, one may remove a forgotten key by using the luksKillSlot command, provided that at least one of the other keys is know as the user will be prompted for one functional key in order to perform the luksKillSlot operation. In order to remove the key in slot 1 for the volume on /dev/sda1, for example, one could execute

sudo cryptsetup luksKillSlot /dev/sda1 1

and enter the passphrase for the key in any other slot :wink:.

The machine will not allow you to remove a key with the key to be removed. That's how people get locked out. :sob:

Adding a key into slot 1 could easily be accomplished by running the following command

sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda1 -S 1

which, in combination with the former command, represents a decent approach in changing the key in slot 1.

Modifying a key when the master key is known

In order to remove or change keys to a LUKS volume, one would need access to the master key for a volume which may be obtained from the device mapper setup tool. The following command will output the table for the selected device and present the encryption key in the represented table (the fifth field to be precise)

dmsetup table --showkeys /dev/dm-x

but bundling in as follows

--master-key-file <(dmsetup table --showkeys $VOLUME | awk '{ print $5 }' | xxd -r -p)

to form the --master-key-file argument which can be used with every cryptsetup command that requires a key.

:bulb: The `<(COMMAND)` syntax is an instance of [process substitution][tldp-proc-sub], where a `/dev/fd/*` file is used to send stdout as a file to another process.
