
since until

Trekking Through The Amazon Like a Commando

Because I am somewhat of a term hermit, I prefer to have CLI’s to do everything because it makes scripting so much easier.

Amazon offers control over AWS :cloud: through their CLI that is what this post is all about.


This section will cover some of the steps I took to get the AWS CLI running on my box. I also motivate some of the decisions in the general housekeeping regiment that I enforce.

I use virtualenv to contain my python environments so with the target environment created virtualenv ~/env/aws-first-encounterand selected using source ~/env/aws-first-encounter/bin/activate I can proceed to install the CLI pip install awscli.

Mind you that AWS’s CLI expects the LANG and LC_ALL env vars to be set you can basically take care of that by manually exporting the necessary variables or adding the following snippet to whatever loads whenever you start your session (.bashrc, .zshrc, .bash_profile or something else… you should know).

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

After installing the CLI you could confirm that the executable is present which aws and check which version you are rocking with aws --version.


In order to keep my experiments and project tools contained I use solutions as rvm (Ruby), virtualenv (Python) or nodeenv (JS). These tools basically prevent me from installing tools globally when I really only need them on a project level.

Note that these solutions are quite different to package managers like bundler, pip or npm. Package managers usually take care of installing the right dependencies, based on a manifest (Gemfile, package.json, etc), into whatever may be the default installation path. Determining that default installation path and the version of the runtime is generally managed by a run-time enviroment management tool like rvm, rbenv, virtualenv or nodeenv.

It may very well be that some projects may need different versions of a command-line tool. This is where something like virtualenv comes in handy. In the best situation you would basically just have to reload another “virtualenv” and voilla… all Python CLI&srquo;s (because virtualenv is used to manage Python environments) in that env will be up and running like you had them on your last encounter. Good luck!


Prior to configuring the CLI you will need your user credentials to access AWS. In case you already have created a user with the proper privileges you could use the credentials belonging to that user. You could choose to skip step 2 and 3 in the sequence below as long as your do realize that a user without permissions is basically a ghost in that it can not do anything, really. Make sure to set some permissions for the user you want to sign in to AWS as.

  1. create user in IAM (remember the credentials presented after creation of the user as these cannot be presented to you by AWS again)
  2. create an admin group in IAM
  3. add your user to the admin group in IAM
  4. configure your CLI with the user credentials you have received by running aws configure
  5. export your access keys to your env. The AWS CLI tool expects to find the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY variables.


After configuring the AWS CLI you are set to configure the services. It makes little sense to go through the entire feature set in this post (was never my intention), but just to get you started quickly I have highlighter a few cool features that may safe you a few clicks.

The CLI syntax is basically


As simple as that :wink:.


aws s3 ls


In order to get an overview of all EC2 instances running in your account run the following command:

aws ec2 describe-instances


You can configure all of your machines to reside within a private cloud which may expose some of its resources to the web through assigned gateways.

aws ec2 describe-vpcs


In order to get started a zone needs to be created. In case I would want to set up a zone for my domain I would execute the following:

aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name --caller-reference DemoDNSZoneSetup

After creating the zone, AWS will respond with an identifier for the command. Most likely the status of our command will be pending at the time the response is reported through the terminal, but we we can always request a list of all zones.

aws route53 list-hosted-zones

After creating a zone, we still need to set the records. AWS is friendly enough to set up SOA and NS records for us. An overview of all resource records for a zone are acquired by executing the following where X is replaced with the zone id of you want to lookup.

aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id X

After creating a zone one might want to setup MX, CNAME, TXT and other DNS records. The creation or modification of these records may be done through the use of JSON batch files in the following manner.

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id X --change-batch file://~/path/to/file.json

Just to give an example of the structure of the JSON files fed to the CLI I have published a version of the files I have used on Github

In case you need to verify the ownership of a domain at Google you might want to setup a text record. AWS Route53 happens to be very picky about the syntax of the TXT strings (the string received by AWS itself needs to be enclosed in double quotes).


aws iam list-users